Join Our Team
summer staff
We are now accepting applications for our 2024 Summer Camp Staff!
Being a part of our summer staff is a great opportunity to serve others, make friends, have fun, and grow closer to Jesus.
Depending on position, paid summer staff serve between 9 to 12 weeks and in addition to a weekly salary also receive room and board.

volunteer camp & retreat staff
Can’t commit to spending the summer at camp?
We have services opportunities to volunteer as counselors, support staff, and health care managers! These roles supplement our summer staff staff for a week or two at a time throughout the summer.
If you would like to volunteer to serve for a week or more, we invite you to complete a volunteer application!
Volunteers who are still in High School (age 15-18) can volunteer through our ELITE (Emerging Leader in Training Experience) program.

volunteer workdays & projects
Volunteers play an important role in helping to maintain and improve our facilities and grounds. While some projects require individuals skilled in building trades, we have projects and tasks for people of all ages with all types and levels of skill.
Volunteers can join us for one our spring or fall workdays, or on a day (or days) convenient to them throughout most of the year.
Click below to email volunteer or to ask/learn about volunteer opportunities and workdays.

year round employment
No year full time round positions are available at this time.
Part-time food service and housekeeping help is hired as needed.
For information or to apply for part-time as needed employment, contact the camp office at 814 922-3834 or