ELITE Volunteer Training
What is ELITE?
ELITE (Emerging Leaders In Training Experience) is designed to help teenagers develop leadership skills and to provide them with opportunities to serve and experience what serving as a Summer Staff Team Member is like at Camp Judson.
ELITE participants receive training here at Camp Judson in mid-June and then serve in a volunteer role with the Camp Judson staff for at least one week of the summer. They are also encouraged to put their skills to use through service when they return home with the help of a sponsor/mentor from their church or community.
ELITE is a way to volunteer as a part of our Summer Staff while still in High School and is highly recommended for individuals who are interested in being a part of our Summer Staff in the future.
Teens ages 15-18 who would like to volunteer but cannot attend ELITE training, should also complete this application to express their interest in serving as a Summer Staff Volunteer.
Join us June 11-13, 2025 for ELITE!
program description
ELITE seeks to equip young people for leadership and service by providing them with opportunities to learn and develop leadership skills that can be used both at camp as well as at home in their church, school and community.
Part One: A half-week training session in mid-June. Participants gain skills of leadership that can carry over to their schools, homes and communities through engagement in Biblical teaching, community, and a variety of camp activities.
Part Two: A one-week (or more) hands-on leadership experience. Participants put their leadership skills into action by serving as a CIT (Counselor-in-Training) in a cabin, as a Kitchen Crew member, or a Grounds Crew member during the 2024 summer camp season.
Part Three: After returning home, participants work with a sponsor/mentor from your church, school, or community to apply and continue to develop leadership skills through opportunities to serve.
ELITE applications for summer 2024 will be reviewed and ELITE participants notified on a rolling basis beginning February 1, 2024.
ELITE participants should have a sponsor/mentor (and their phone and email) when applying.
Suggestions for sponsors include:
– Pastor, Youth Leader, Sunday School Teacher, or Other Church Leader
– Teacher, Coach, or Club Advisor